Voluntary Programs in Delaware, Ohio: A Comprehensive Guide for Children and Seniors

Are you looking for special programs offered by voluntary organizations in Delaware, Ohio for children or seniors? Delaware and Union County have a variety of services available to those in need. The Delaware County CASA Program is a great resource for those in need of assistance. This program provides more than just food insecurity; it also offers eviction prevention, utility assistance, and school footwear. The American Red Cross Delaware County Chapter has a Friendly Visiting Program for seniors.

This program provides companionship and support to those who are elderly or disabled. The Catholic Social Services also offers a similar program. The Delaware County Foundation is a non-profit organization that provides grants to local organizations that serve the community.

Habitat for Humanity — Delaware & Union Counties

is another non-profit organization that builds homes for low-income families in the area.

Humane Society of Delaware County

, International MOMS Club — Powell Northeast Chapter, and Olentangy Girl Scouts are all non-profit organizations that provide various services to the community. The Solentangy Rotary Club, People in Need from Delaware County, and Powell Sertoma Club are also non-profits that offer service projects and scholarships.

Stratford Ecological Center

is a non-profit organization that provides educational programs and activities related to nature and the environment.

Finally, the United Way of Delaware County, since 1954, has brought the wonder of the season to thousands of children and families in Delaware County through its Holiday Clearing House. These voluntary organizations offer a variety of services to children and seniors in Delaware, Ohio. Whether you are looking for assistance with food insecurity, eviction prevention, utility assistance, or companionship, there are programs available to meet your needs. If you are interested in learning more about these programs, contact the organizations directly or visit their websites for more information.

Marcia Carro
Marcia Carro

Total social media specialist. Total beer fanatic. Infuriatingly humble internet fan. Amateur social media fanatic. Incurable coffee fanatic.