Volunteer Recognition Programs: Making a Difference in Delaware, Ohio

Are you looking for ways to make a difference in your local community? Volunteering is an excellent way to do just that, and in Delaware, Ohio, there are several volunteer recognition programs available to show appreciation for those who are giving their time and energy to help out. At FIRST Championship, volunteers are rewarded with a t-shirt and access to discounts on hotels, trips and meals during their volunteer shift. This is a great way to recognize those who are making a positive impact in the community. The Volunteer Delaware staff also organizes two award programs annually for those who have gone above and beyond in providing volunteer services in the state of Delaware. Additionally, they act as a certifying agency for the Presidential Award for Volunteer Service.

This prestigious award is given to individuals who have made a significant contribution to their community through volunteering. George Needham, director of the Delaware County District Library System, spoke about the history of volunteering and how organized volunteering is a distinctly American tradition. President Bush devoted special attention to voluntary community service as a means of helping to solve some of the most serious social problems in the United States. Volunteering is an important part of any community and it's essential to recognize those who are giving their time and energy to help out. If you're looking for ways to get involved in your local community, consider volunteering and taking advantage of the recognition programs offered by voluntary organizations in Delaware, Ohio.

Marcia Carro
Marcia Carro

Total social media specialist. Total beer fanatic. Infuriatingly humble internet fan. Amateur social media fanatic. Incurable coffee fanatic.